New ways to communicate create new opportunities – but also new challenges – for salespeople. And it’s hard to know what the rules of engagement are.

When businesses first began installing telephones in the early 20th century, for example, did prospects resent a salesperson tying up their line trying to sell them something? Would it have been better to send a letter? Or just show up?

These days, texting has become the most frequently used app on smartphones, and 97% of Americans use it at least once a day.

So for salespeople, the same sort of “rules of engagement” questions arise. The most important: When is it okay to text a prospect, and when is it not?

In this Quick Take, you will learn:

  • When texting a prospect will help you advance a sale
  • When it will get in the way of the sale
  • And why buyers react well or badly to text messages

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BTS Total Access provides online training and talent development tools for businesses, government agencies, nonprofits and educational institutions in the areas of sales, leadership and management.