RLI Launches New Website That Showcases Next-Gen Micro-Training

Philadelphia, PA, April 18, 2019 – The Rapid Learning Institute (RLI) announces the launch of a new Website today that showcases its unique positioning in the field of sales and leadership training.

The new site highlights RLI’s message that it’s time for companies to “Change the Status Quo” and consider next-generation micro-training as an alternative to legacy sales and leadership training.

Micro-training, which RLI defines as “bite-size single-concept learning for today’s short-attention-span workforce,” has grown dramatically during the past decade and is now offered primarily as a self-directed training option at many organizations. RLI’s next-generation micro-training takes it to a higher level. First, RLI is the only provider whose content is grounded in academic and institutional research on the science of influence, persuasion, negotiation and interpersonal communication. And second, it gives companies a methodology for deploying five- to seven-minute micro-videos as a blended learning solution that includes facilitator-led training. In other words, it makes micro-training a tactical component in a strategic training initiative. RLI’s highly experienced Client Success Management team deploys assessment tools to help organizations target their most acute needs, then helps design training initiatives around learning paths and “micro-training cycles” that will directly impact results.

RLI, located in suburban Philadelphia, was founded in 2009.

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