3 Questions That Will Accelerate Your Sales
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3 Questions That Will Accelerate Your Sales

Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post comes from Kelley Robertson of Robertson Training Group.

During my sales training workshops people often ask me for one or two strategies that will help them improve their overall results. Here is what I tell them:

Do a post-sales call analysis.

After every sales call or meeting ask yourself these three questions.

What went well?
Reflect on your last call and identify the things you did well. This can include creating a compelling opening, building rapport, asking the right questions, and gaining agreement for the next steps.

What did I miss or forget to do?
Even though I have been teaching sales for more than 15 years I still miss or forget to do certain things during my sales calls. When you ask this question you can identify patterns in your approach that cost you sales.

What will I do differently next time?
It’s one thing to analyze your current results. However, if you are serious about improving your results you need to identify EXACTLY what you will do differently in future sales calls.

On the surface it sounds simple. The reality is that most salespeople seldom take the time to analyze their performance. They keep doing things the way they have always done them and they end up getting the same results. Some people get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of their job and forget to analyze their performance. Others simply think analysis is a waste of time.

Allow me to offer a different perspective.

Top athletes ALWAYS make time for analysis. Watch someone like Tiger Woods. He analyzes EVERY shot after he takes it. He tries to recapture great shots and strives to improve the poor ones. Other athletes take the same approach when they review tapes of their performance. They may grimace over their mistakes but they still analyze everything.

You can improve your results by taking the same approach. A few moments of analysis can make a significant impact on your sales.

© MMX Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.

Kelley Robertson helps salespeople master the conversations they have with prospects and customers so they can win more deals. He is a frequent speaker and workshop facilitator at conferences, corporate meetings, and retreats. For information on his programs visit his website www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com, call 905-633-7750 or email him directly at Kelley@RobertsonTrainingGroup.com.

photo credit: Keith Allison


  • InsideView says:

    These are great questions to ask after every deal. Some companies go overboard with analysis on deals lost but answering these 3 questions will give you everything you need to know.

  • InsideView says:

    These are great questions to ask after every deal. Some companies go overboard with analysis on deals lost but answering these 3 questions will give you everything you need to know.

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